"...a fascinating and intimate insight into the life and thoughts of Joe Lui"
From the press release of my inaugural Blue Room season:
"Unflinchingly honest, Letters Home is a new autobiographical show from Renegade Productions’ Joe Lui premiering at The Blue Room Theatre from 16 September 2014.
Director, writer and designer Joe Lui is well known to Perth audiences, but they’ve never seen him like this. Taking to the stage for the first time in his professional career, Letters Home looks at the period in Joe’s life where he chose not to return to his native Singapore to take up military service, making him a criminal in the eyes of his parents and the Singaporean state."
Director, writer and designer Joe Lui is well known to Perth audiences, but they’ve never seen him like this. Taking to the stage for the first time in his professional career, Letters Home looks at the period in Joe’s life where he chose not to return to his native Singapore to take up military service, making him a criminal in the eyes of his parents and the Singaporean state."
Letters Home is a deeply autobiographical show, centered around the story of my migration to Perth, Australia, and the mental and emotional gymnastics that have gone into redefining ideas of home and culture for myself as a migrant.
I have always had the benefit of ridiculously talented people offering their services to my flights of fancy - Letters Home was no exception.
I had Amazing Mentors - Humphrey Bower and Ali Van reeken - who worked to help me navigate the trials and tribulations of performing my work for the first time.
I had amazing Designers - Cherish Marrington (Set and Costume), Chris Donnelly (lighting), Mia Holton (videography).
and an amazing producing/management team of Thom Smyth (Publicity), Lisa McCready (Producing), and Meabh Walton (Stage Management).
Images by Simon Pynt Photography, and Video by Brendon Briggs
- Joe Lui (Writer/Performer/Composer of Letters Home)
"Highest praise from me though goes to the script, which is a playful, witty, honest and moving meditation on culture, politics, art, science, sex, authoritarianism and filiation.."
"I can’t imagine any of the hundreds of people who’ve been amazed and intrigued by Joe Lui over the years will want to miss it; for those who haven’t, you should take the opportunity to meet a quite remarkable person. "
-The West Australian
"One feels that he has been incredibly generous with his revelations, as he is with his time and talents for the local performing arts scene."

Here I am, contemplating life, love, etc. Sitting in the set made by Cherish Marrington - an archaeological exploration of my life

The images on the canvas (currently a waterfall) change with the videography by Mia Holton.

As part of the progress of the show i make a traditional chinese Steam Boat meal.