A ritual performance inspired by the story of medusa
A ritual performance inspired by the story of medusa

MEDUSA was a collaboration between me, playwright Finn o'Branagain, and a team of excellent dancers and performers. It was a call to arms for women of all shapes, sizes, and colors, as well as rejection and bringing to light of so much of what women do to arm themselves in the shadows.
Another absolute gift of a work - we started with Finn's beautiful script and turned it slowly into our own "stations of the cross" - ritual performance moments that existed on top and over each other, culminating in a "summoning of Medusa herself - the Fremantle Icon that is Sandy Mckendrick, on a motor scooter.
My team:
Performers: Mani Mae Gomes, Jess Nyanda Moyle, Michelle Aitken, Moana Lutton, Jacinta Larcombe, Andrew David Sutherland
Performers: Mani Mae Gomes, Jess Nyanda Moyle, Michelle Aitken, Moana Lutton, Jacinta Larcombe, Andrew David Sutherland
Writer: Finn o'Branagain
AV Designer: Clare Testoni
Lighting Designer: Kristie Smith
and of course me Joe Paradise Lui as Director and Composer
"there was something so powerful about being in that space that I can’t help but want everyone to see it."
-Zenna Newman
-Zenna Newman
"Messy, mucky and co-operative, Medusa succeeds in creating an incongruent spectacle."
-Stephen Cohen
-Stephen Cohen
"It’s dark. The chanting throbs through every fibre of your being. It’s raw. It’s primal. It’s Medusa."
-Laura Money
-Laura Money