...equal parts playful and ferociously angry
UNVEILING: GAY SEX FOR ENDTIMES is, for me, a prayer of hope springing eternal. It is the result of artists in collaboration making a communal wish for a better future. It is a rejection of all the ways we are "meant" to be, and a celebration of all the ways we truly, joyously are, and want to be.
This show is joyful, poignant, heartbreaking and hilarious. I hope it lives long and multiple lives, both in its current form and in whatever future iteration these collaborations take.
Michelle Aitken
Andrew Sutherland
Jacinta Larcombe
Andrew Sutherland
Jacinta Larcombe
Lighting Designer and Stage Manager: Phoebe Pilcher
Set and Costume designer: Cherish Marrington
Vision Designer: Mia Holton
Producer: Jess Russell
Publicity: Scott McArdle
Set and Costume designer: Cherish Marrington
Vision Designer: Mia Holton
Producer: Jess Russell
Publicity: Scott McArdle
"This is a theatre you have to see, you may find it offensive, you may find it hilarious, it’s certainly provocative."
-Graeme Watson
-Graeme Watson
"Unveiling: Gay Sex For Endtimes slams itself into the Blue Room in a bloody and soaking mess."
-Laura Money
-Laura Money
"Unveiling: Gay Sex for Endtimes is what Playmaking is all about"
- David Zampatti
- David Zampatti
"If you were hoping to dip your toes in some theatre over a relaxing wine to break your nightly routine Unveiling may not be for you"
-Jono Battista and Lawrence Murphy
-Jono Battista and Lawrence Murphy

The credit board outside the venue with our key source material
Initial season promo video - a prayer for the future
Initial Season promo trailer - A prayer for the future

Publicity hero image